Adding WebPart Icon - SharePoint Client Webpart

Hi Friends, When we are developing any webpart we get the webpart icon as a page icon by default. So, here is the way how we can change this icon that suits the ultimate purpose of the webpart. To change open the manifest.json found inside the your webpart folder Edit the file and under the " OfficeFabricIconFontName " you can enter the icon name you want to display. You can find the icon names from the below URL: OR Below is the list you can choose from Add AddGroup AlignCenter AlignLeft AlignRight Attach Back BackToWindow BlowingSnow Bold BulletedList Calendar Camera Cancel Chart CheckMark ChevronLeft ChevronRight CirclePlus Clear ClearFormatting ClearNight CloudWeather Cloudy Completed CompletedSolid Delete DocLibrary Duststorm Edit EditMirrored Embed Emoji2 ExcelLogo FacebookLogo FavoriteStar FavoriteStarFill Filter Financial Fog Folder FolderOpen Font FontStyleSerif ...