SharePoint Framework Helper

Hi friends,

In the need to develop the solution faster and easier I have created a npm package, which will give you the flexibility to enjoy the much used logic handy and easy when writing code for SharePoint framework client side webparts or SharePoint framework extensions.

This npm package contains the most commonly used logic or I should say the operations that are used almost in every SPFx client side webpart or SPFx extensions. Using this npm package you can create your webparts much more easily and faster. This is very simple and handy.

This npm package code is also available on GitHub so if you are interested you can have a look at the implementation as well, or even you can request for the addition of new methods that you feel might help others as well.

Why to use

This library is broken into different operations, so you only need to import the operations that you want to use. Below are the operations description:

  • SPHelperBase

This is the base class and one cannot create object of this class. This class is responsible for the main interaction with SharePoint. This class is used internally from all the other classes. This class contains all the basic interaction methods with SharePoint.
  • SPListOperations

This is the main class for all the operations related to SharePoint lists. It has methods for all the operations like getListByTitle, getListItemsByQuery, createListItem etc..
  • SPFieldOperations

This is the class responsible for the operations related to SharePoint Fields. It has methods like getFieldByList, addSiteColumnToList, createSiteColumn etc..
  • SPCommonOperations

This class is provided to give the flexible to the developers/users to get the information for some queries for which method are not found in any of the classes.
  • SPHelperCommon

This class contains only static methods and does not interact with the SharePoint. It contains some of the most common helper methods like isNull, stringIsNullOrEmpty etc..
  • SPLogger

This class can be used for the logging purpose. For using this you need to make some configuration manually
    • Create a SharePoint List with the title: ‘Error Logs
    • Create columns with the title
      • Error Type (Choice field- ERROR, DEBUG, INFO)
      • Error Description (Multiple line of text)
  • SPBatchOperations

This class gives the flexibility to use the batch operations in SharePoint Framework.


To install the package you just need to write the following command in the node console

npm install spfxhelper

And your solution is ready for using the library. :-)

How to use this library

The library is very simple to use. Below is the sample code how you can use

Import the spfxhelper in you code file so you can have all the available functionalities
import { SPListOperations } from 'spfxhelper';

Within the curly braces you can have one of the following Operations depending upon you need. For example purpose i’ll use SPListOperations.

Now to use the methods, you cannot create object of the class, as the singleton approach has been adopted. To get the object of the class you need to get the instance of the object using getInstance method.

I’ll prefer to create the property so I don’t have to pass the parameters again and again.Below is the code sample

 * This property returns the SPListOperation object
private get oListOperation(): SPListOperations {
  return SPListOperations.getInstance(this.context.spHttpClient as any, this.context.pageContext.web.absoluteUrl);

Now you can use this property to access the methods.


Below are the listing of all the methods available in the library

Method Name README
getInstance returns the instance of the class
logError logs the error in the SharePoint List
logDebug logs the debug info in the SharePoint list
getListByTitle returns the list by title
createList creates the list
getListItemsByQuery get the list items based on the query parameter
getListItemByID get the list item based on the item ID
getListItems returns all the list items based on the row count. If row count is not provided will return max i.e.. 100
createListItem creates the list itme
createFolderInDocLib creates the folder in the document library
createFolderInList creates the folder in the list
updateListItem updates the list item
getListMetadata returns the list metadata required to create the list
getListsDetailsByBaseTemplateID Returns the lists based on the template ID
getContentTypesByList returns the content types associated with the list
getViewsByList return the view associated with the list
isStringNullOrEmpty checks for the string null
isNull check for the object null
getFieldInternalName returns the internal name of the field (removes the x0020)
getParameterValue returns the parameter value from URL
addFieldToView adds the field to the view in the list
getFieldByView returns the field details by view
getFieldByList returns the field details from the list
addSiteColumnToList adds the site column to the list
createSiteColumn creates the site column
getFieldBySite returns the fields details of the site column
getColumnMetadata returns the column metadata required for the creation of the column
addColumnToList add the column to the list
getFieldsByList returns all the fields associated with the list
getFieldsByView returns all the fields associated with view in a list
getDocIconByFiles returns the icons for the corresponding files
queryGETResquest method to query any custom query with 'GET' verb
queryPOSTRequest method to query any custom query with 'POST' verb
queryMERGERequest method to query any custom query with 'MERGE' verb
queryPATCHRequest method to query any custom query with 'PATCH' verb
oSPBatch property returns the SPHttpClientBatch object required to create batch query
getBatchGETRequest adds the url to the current SPHttpClientBatch object and returns response
getBatchPOSTRequest adds the url to the current SPHttpClientBatch object and returns response

Do share how I can improve this library, so it can help all the SharePoint community

Happy Coding
Sumit Kanchan


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